Feed Hold |
Pause axis motion |
Cycle Start |
Resume motion after pause |
Aux2 | Momentarily open collet |
Aux4 | Open/close tool rack clamp |
Aux6 | Extend/retract touch probe |
Cycle Cancel |
Cancel program cycle |
When no program cycle is running you can jog the machine axes using the handheld jog pendant. You will usually want to select Continuous jog mode, using the INCR/CONT button, so that the machine continues to move as long as you hold down a jog button. In Incremental jog mode, the machine moves one increment (as selected by the x1, x10 or x100 keys), then stops, each time you press a jog button.
The X, Y and Z axes are controlled by the yellow X, Y and Z keys.
The A axis is controlled by the yellow "4th" keys.
The C axis is controlled by the blue "Aux8" and "Aux9" keys.
The current jog modes (Fast, Slow, Continuous, Incremental, and amount of increment) are indicated by the LEDs in the associated jog panel keys.
In addition to the M functions listed in Chapter 13 of the Centroid M-Series Operator's Manual, the control has the following custom codes:
Closes the collet to clamp the tool.
Opens the collet to release the tool. The collet remains open until it is closed with M10.
You can also momentarily open the collet using the Aux2 key on the handheld jog pendant.
Picks up the specified tool from the tool rack, given a T code between 1 and 7.
This code should not ordinarily be used in a program. Use M6 to change tools.
Returns the current tool to the tool rack, leaving the spindle empty and the collet open.
This code may be used in a program if it is desirable to leave the spindle empty. In normal operation, though, you should use M6 to change tools. M6 will use M22 and M21 as needed to drop off the old tool and pick up the new one.
Measures the current tool on the touch pad and sets the work coordinate origin for the Z axis.
Extends the touch probe so it is ready for use.
Caution: the extended touch probe is shorter than the standard 6mm tools. If you are writing a cycle to automatically probe a part feature, you must either bring Z down at a point where the tool in the spindle will clear the right side of the part while the touch probe comes down to the surface; or you should use M22 to remove the tool from the spindle first.
Retract the touch probe into its housing.
You can also extend and retract the touch probe using the Aux6 key on the handheld jog pendant.
Opens the tool rack clamp, freeing the tools.
Closes the tool rack clamp, clamping the tools.
You can also open and close the tool rack clamp using the Aux4 key on the handheld jog pendant.
Puts away any previous tool and loads the tool specified by the T value in the program.
The following coordinate systems, return points and user variables are used by the tool changing and tool measuring routines:
Used for user program machining.
Used to locate the tool rack. X0 should be set with the spindle centered over the Tool 1 pocket. Y0 and Z0 should be set at machine home (machine zero).
Used to locate the touch pad with the touch probe. X and Y should be set with the touch probe centered over the touch pad. Z should be set with the extended probe about an inch above the pad. A and B are not used.
Used to locate the touch pad with a tool in the spindle. X and Y should be set with the tool centered over the touch pad. Z should be set with the tool about an inch above the pad. A and B are not used.
Spacing between pockets in the tool rack. Set in custom M functions M21 and M22 (files mfunc21.mac and mfunc22.mac). Value as of 12/17/2010 is 1.1200"
Z position in coordinate system #6 (therefore Z distance down from machine home) where the collet face clears the tool shanks in the rack by a small margin. Set in custom M functions M21 and M22 (files mfunc21.mac and mfunc22.mac). Value as of 12/17/2010 is -1.300".
Z position in coordinate system #6 (therefore Z distance down from machine home) where the collet surrounds a tool shank in the rack, ready for pickup or dropoff. Set in custom M functions M21 and M22 (files mfunc21.mac and mfunc22.mac). Value as of 12/17/2010 is -2.300".
Z position of the touch pad, measured from part zero (A axis center of rotation). Used in the M23 macro to set the Z part position after touching off a new tool. Set in custom M function M23 (file mfunc23.mac). Value as of 01/06/2011 is about -3.47".
Number of the tool in the spindle. Value is 1 through 7 if a tool is in the spindle; value is 0 if the spindle is empty. #159 is a static variable, which retains its value from day to day. It is automatically stored in the job setup file cncm.job. The value is updated by the M21 and M22 macros as tools are picked up and put away.
The X, Y and Z axes are conventional for a vertical mill: the X axis is head left-right movement; the Y axis is table front-back movement; the Z axis is spindle up/down movement on the head.
The A and C axes ride on the table, moving with the Y axis. The work piece is held in a fixture which is rotated by A and C. The tool spindle does not rotate with A or C.
The A axis of rotation is always parallel with X. Positive A rotation is right-hand rotation about the X+ direction.
The C axis of rotation rotates with A, in the Y-Z plane. With A at 0°, positive C rotation is right-hand rotation about the Z- direction. With A at +90°, positive C rotation is right-hand rotation about the Y+ direction.
The clearance level ("flyover level") and pickup/dropoff level are set in the M21 and M22 macros, in user variables #141 and #142. If one or both values need to change, they have to be changed in both files.
The values assigned to those variables are the Z positions in Work Coordinate System #6. Because the zero point of WCS #6 is set at Z home, the Z positions are the same as machine coordinates: that is, distance down from the machine home position.
You can display machine coordinates on the control's position display by pressing Alt-D, so that the word "Machine" appears in the top left corner. When you are done checking positions, you can go back to displaying local coordinates by pressing Alt-D again.
Alternately you can switch between WCS #1 (the coordinate system which should be used for all part programs and normal operations) and WCS #6 using keyboard shortcuts: Press Ctrl-Alt-6 to select WCS #6. Press Ctrl-Alt-1 to select WCS #1.
Determine the required Z coordinates by selecting the appropriate DRO display (either Machine or WCS #6), then jogging the head down over the tool rack. Write down the resulting coordinates.
You can edit the macro files using Windows Notepad.
Open the Windows Start menu and select Notepad. Open the files mfunc21.mac and mfunc22.mac in turn. Both are located in the C:\CNCM directory. Edit the lines near the top of each file which assign values to the variables #141 (for the clearance level) and #142 (for the pickup/dropoff level).
After you have entered the new values in the M21 and M22 macro files, save your changes and exit Notepad.
The Z offset distance, from part zero to the touch pad, is set in the M23 macro file. The value can be changed by editing the mfunc23.mac file and changing the value which is assigned to user variable #143.
To set a new Z Reference value in the Offset Library using the Touch Probe on the Touch Pad:
To enter the new Z offset value in the M23 macro: